Naturalized citizens can get stripped of their citizenship rights for various reasons, unlike natural-born US citizens who have their citizenship rights protected by the constitution. Through a process called denaturalization, you could lose your status as a citizen and possibly, end up being deported.
Below are the grounds for revocation of your naturalized citizenship.
Issues with your paperwork
If you concealed or misrepresented facts at any stage of your application, your citizenship may be revoked. This includes instances of fraud where you acquired your citizenship, yet you were not eligible.
A dishonorable military discharge
You can become a naturalized citizen by serving in the army under special provisions. However, your citizenship might be revoked if you are dishonorably discharged before serving for five years. A dishonorable discharge may come after a court-martial finds you guilty of crimes such as sexual assault, desertion, or murder.
A violation of your U.S. allegiance
Violating the U.S. oath of allegiance can lead to a revocation of your naturalized status. This may occur when you join a subversive group such as a terrorist organization within five years of being a naturalized citizen. Additionally, refusing to testify before a Congressional Committee investigating your subversive acts could also lead to a revocation.
Are you facing the possibility of losing your citizenship?
Losing your naturalized citizenship status can have far-reaching consequences, even on family members who immigrate to the US through a petition you filed as a citizen. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of what to expect.
Of course, like with any other official process, you will have a chance to defend yourself or even appeal your revocation. Learning more about what to expect along the way and how to handle your case will put you in a better position and increase the chances of things going your way.