Getting a green card can be incredibly challenging. Hence, if you manage to get one, you need to understand what sort of things could cause you to lose it so that you can avoid them.
The following could all put your green card and right to live and work in the United States in jeopardy:
Certain criminal convictions
While it is best to avoid trouble with the law altogether, sometimes things happen that can you see up in court on criminal charges. Most crimes will not amount to grounds for taking away your green card, but ones considered, “immoral, depraved, and contrary to justice” could. A judge could reach that same poor opinion of you for a series of lesser crimes. Overall, it is better to stay on the right side of the law, and if accused, get help to fight the charges.
Forgetting to renew on time
Most green cards require renewal. If your is one of these, be sure to set yourself reminders so as not to forget. Also, don’t leave it to the last minute, as these things can take time.
Failing to reside in the U.S.
A green card gives you permanent resident status, but if you do not use that status, the immigration authorities may take the card from you. Falling to declare taxes in the U.S. or spending too long outside the country could all cost you the right to stay.
Those are just a few of the reasons someone could lose a green card. If you have any doubts, it is better to be safe than sorry and seek appropriate guidance to protect your green card.