Getting a green card can be incredibly challenging. Hence, if you manage to get one, you need to understand what sort of things could cause you to lose it so that you can avoid them. The following could all put your green card and right to live and work in the United...
Green cards are permanent resident cards. Immigrants who obtain green cards might be able to stay in the United States for the rest of their lives. Unless they commit disqualifying crimes, they can typically renew their green cards every 10 years. Permanent residents...
Same-sex couples seeking U.S. residency through marriage-based visas must provide proof their marriage is legitimate. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) treats same-sex marriage the same as opposite-sex marriage. Therefore, all couples must...
Millions of people immigrate to the U.S. each year. Many of these people look to start a family, seek job opportunities and acquire higher education. For some of these immigrants, the goal is to stay permanently in the U.S. and gain citizenship. To do this, immigrants...
It can be interesting to look at the reasons people give for coming to the United States. Every immigrant has their own story. But they all have a purpose for choosing the United States as their destination and trying to create a life here. Some of the most common...