Naturalized citizens can get stripped of their citizenship rights for various reasons, unlike natural-born US citizens who have their citizenship rights protected by the constitution. Through a process called denaturalization, you could lose your status as a citizen...
Are you well-prepared to pass your Stokes interview?
The Stokes interview is one step in the process of determining whether or not your green card marriage is legitimate or a sham. Therefore, interviewees can expect that some of the questions will be quite granular and very personal. It is natural to feel nervous going...
How do you become a naturalized United States citizen?
If you are an immigrant living in Texas or another state, you may want to know how to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. You can take certain steps to become a legal citizen and permanently stay in the country. What are the steps in the naturalization process?...
Consular processing
Consular processing for a United States green card can be a long and tumultuous process. As long as you understand how consular processing works, you can avoid the many pitfalls associated with it. Are you eligible for a Green Card? This is the first question you need...
Finance tips for recent immigrants
Immigrating to Texas may make it easier to create a financially stable life for you and your family. However, as an immigrant, there are several decisions that you'll need to make as it relates to your money that American citizens might not even think about. Let's...
How to apply for U.S. citizenship
If you're an immigrant living in Texas, your ultimate goal may be to gain U.S. citizenship. If your application is successful, you will become an official United States citizen and receive special rights because of your status. Here's how you can apply for U.S....
If an American gives birth abroad, can the baby get U.S. citizenship?
If you are an American and your child is born in another country, they may be eligible to acquire American citizenship. However, unlike children who are born in the U.S., this citizenship is not automatic. In order to apply for your child’s U.S. citizenship, you’ll...
Why you won’t receive a stimulus check if you married an immigrant
The CARES Act went into effect in March of this year. The aim of this act has been to provide financial relief to those affected by the coronavirus – from businesses to individuals. Under the act, each taxpayer with a Social Security Number (SSN) who earns less than...
Can I become a naturalized citizen for serving in the military?
Green card holders can serve in the United States military. There is a common misconception that serving in the military automatically grants green card holders – i.e., permanent residents – U.S. citizenship. We debunked this myth in a previous post. However, serving...
Soon U.S. military brats born abroad won’t get U.S. citizenship
Many Americans take pride in serving their country--either through military service or civil service in the federal government. Sometimes that service may relocate such citizens to other countries. Imagine choosing to dedicate your career to serving your country. Now...